14 C
Mexico City
February 23, 2025

Challenges of the childhood agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean


Inequality, violence, invisibility and the difficulty for the human rights of girls, boys and adolescents to be recognized, translate into the lack of comprehensive care and policies for children.


-Senator Emillio Álvarez Icaza, Human rights commission
-Juan Martín Pérez García | Regional Coordinator #TejiendoRedesInfancia
-Efterpi Verigaki | European Commission, Brussels
-Jerome Poussielgue | JHead of the Cooperation Section of the European Union in Mexico
-Nora Schulman | CASACIDN, Argentina
-Johannes Irschik | Minister Counselor, Deputy Head of Mission of the Austrian Embassy in Mexico
-Ricardo Bucio | SIPINNA, Mexico
-Norberto Liwski | Former Vice President of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN

Challenges # Childhood # Attention

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