13.9 C
Mexico City
October 18, 2024

Argentina inaugurates IV Latin American Thought Seminar #NiñasPoderosas

  • The IV Latin American Thought Seminar #Niñas Poderosas began to make discrimination and various forms of violence visible that continue to be an impediment to the effective enjoyment of the human rights of girls and adolescents.
  • Experts celebrate the opening of the meeting to make the gender agenda in the region visible, through the protagonist participation of girls and adolescents.

For the fourth year the Initiative Weaving Childhood Nets for Latin America and the Caribbean, carries out the Latin American Thought Seminar on Children's Rights #NiñasPoderosas Mainstreaming of gender policies in Children's organizations, to make visible discrimination and various forms of violence that continue to be an impediment to the effective enjoyment of human rights, with physical, psychological, social and economic impacts on the lives of women and girls in Latin America.

Given the conditions for the current health contingency, the Seminar is held in a hybrid format, to guarantee the health of the participants. It can be followed from today until next May 28, through the platforms of Ollin.Tv; More than 30 international speakers specializing in women's rights, representatives of international organizations, civil society and powerful girls, adolescents and young people will participate. It is held simultaneously in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.

The inauguration of the #NiñasPoderosas Seminar was in charge of the Argentine Committee for the Follow-up and Application of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (MARRIAGE) with a message from Francisco Ghiglino, Vice President of CASACIDN who celebrated the opening of the meeting to make the gender agenda in the region visible, through the participation of experts and their contributions to benefit the agenda around women's rights. childhood and with the leading participation of powerful girls and young people who will share their experiences and feelings, during the three days of the Seminar.

To address the issue "The situation of girls in Argentina", Marisa Graham, Defender of the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, mentioned that inequality between girls, boys and adolescents is registered even from pregnancy, despite the struggles so important that they have had in Argentina and in Latin America. "Poverty in households where there are no girls, boys or adolescents is 30.4% while in households where there are children it is 49%", he referred.

Ofelia Fernández, a feminist activist and legislator, presented the issue “The revolution of the daughters. Leadership and autonomy ”he pointed out that“ we come from a society of naturalization of inequality ”, therefore, she appealed to other young feminists "To end the normalization of a life of misogyny and violence", He asked for confidence in the processes that have been developed and that have allowed girls, adolescents and young women to be masters of their own destiny. “When we talk about powerful girls, they are girls occupying spaces of power”, concluded.

Regarding the role of NGOs in violence against girls, Nora Schulman, Executive Director of CASACIDN reported that “Childhoods in Argentina, particularly girls, are affected by problems such as premature pregnancies, non-consensual sexual relations, femicides in girls under 18 years of age, lack of access to justice, while remembering that girls are women, and how women must be respected as bearers of rights ”.

María Elena Naddeo, teacher and feminist activist spoke on the subject “Girls and comprehensive sexual education”, he recalled that “talking about Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) is to speak of sexuality as a right to pleasure, to care for oneself and others, but above all it is the opportunity to prevent sexual violence, through of Education".

Federico Grasso, 18, who is an activist for the rights of girls, boys and adolescents and a militant of the sexual diversity community, was in charge of the issue "Symbolic violence: gender and diverse identities", shared her own experience of identification and how important the people in her environment have been as teachers, classmates and her family, during her speech she shared a powerful message for other girls or boys who are in the process of self-knowledge of their identity. "Never lose the right to dream, you have the right to be what you want to be and being part of diversity should not prevent us from happiness."

Around the topic "Thinking about masculinities to eradicate violence and gender inequalities", Enrique Stola, an expert on gender violence, pointed out that "It is urgent to fight against the sexism that runs through us socially while strengthening those democratic configurations, breaking obstacles and emotional paradigms that instill in us and that shape our brain."

Another topic addressed was "Challenges and challenges for Equality", In this regard, Patricia Gómez, politician and teacher specialized in gender and feminism, pointed out that "The responsibility as adults is that girls, boys and adolescents occupy the centrality in our lives under conditions of equality." He suggested that “in family nuclei, girls and boys should be treated with the same conditions ”.

The participation of Dora Barrancos, Sociologist and Doctor in History was on the topic "The Fourth Wave. Where were we, where are we, where are we going ”, where she made a historical tour of feminist movements in the world and their contributions, regarding the fourth wave, she said that “It has to do with the massiveness of the feminist composition, it is the first time that we have the emergence of popular feminisms, with the characteristic of the notable participation of young people. There is no social justice, without gender justice ”, He said.

"Discrimination against girls in schools", was the topic addressed by Valentina Ávila, 14, student and artistic gymnast, who celebrated that countries already recognize the rights of girls and adolescents, but that "Unfortunately in the academic sphere, behaviors of machismo and discrimination are still replicated, disguised as affection and protection." Recognized that “Today's society, including the educational field, is experiencing changes in favor of equality, thanks to the struggles of girls and young people. We are joining forces so that we can all be powerful girls ”, concluded.

The last intervention was in charge of Luciana Peker, Journalist and Writer on the topic “The women's revolution. History of the struggle and power of the movement ”, who reflected on the equal treatment that the feminist movement seeks to establish as a reality, also within the family nucleus. "We want future generations to have the right to what we did not have, feminism thirsts for the future", stressed.

The event was hosted by Ms. Bimbo, actress, comedian and radio host.
Watch the broadcast of this show here:

The IV Latin American Thought Seminar #NiñasPoderosas continues on May 27 and 28, through the Ollin.Tv platforms, to know the complete program we invite you to visit the site https://tejiendoredesinfancia.org/ninaspoderosas


Weaving Childhood Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean an initiative co-financed by the European Union, which seeks to contribute to the strengthening and consolidation of a platform for the defense of children and adolescents in 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The content of this publication is the exclusive responsibility of Derechos Infancia México AC / Tejiendo Redes Infancia and in no case should it be considered that it reflects the views of the European Union.

Press contact: Alejandra Gallardo / [email protected]

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