ICTs provide benefits related to immediate access to information and communication. Its accessibility has generated a new way of establishing relationships between people, something that directly affects the development of children who grow up and socialize in a technological context. For this reason, they have great skill in handling these tools that enable them to be producers and recipients of content that transcends the private border. Undoubtedly, the Internet is a fundamental channel for participation, education, access to information, creativity, leisure and games, communication and free expression.
However, the Internet also carries a spectrum of risks to which children are more vulnerable than adults. These risks are linked to the violation of their fundamental rights such as freedom, dignity, privacy and the right to be protected against violence. The protection, prevention and care of child victims of violence, from a rights perspective, requires adopting “a paradigm based on respect and promotion of their human dignity and their physical and psychological integrity as holders of Rights.
Children must be protected against all risks and forms of exposure to violence because the technical, personal and social skills to face them are acquired and developed over the years, with a learning process that must start from early childhood so that they know how to identify risks and ask for help when they cannot handle them. The form of contact between victims and aggressors in the case of ICTs, introduces specific risk factors, such as the anonymity of the aggressor, the great social diffusion of the situation and the practical difficulties in stopping the aggression and, by extension, ending the attack. suffering of the victim.
Author: Orjuela, Liliana. Save The Children, Spain, 2013.